Our projects around the world

The Orange Foundation works with its Maisons Digitales (“Digital Houses” in English) to promote equal opportunities in access to work and training for unemployed women in precarious situations in France and Africa. In some countries, the Digital Houses help women gain access to paid employment. In other countries, they help them find, take up or retrain for a new job. Most of the Digital Houses also provide long-term digital training (six months to one year). Some women learn the essential basics: writing, arithmetic, how to use a computer, a tablet, etc. Others are trained in certain software and web uses.
The Orange Foundation has signed a partnership agreement with PPI to support the financial empowerment of women throughout the project to support vulnerable women entrepreneurs in Mali. The first 10 Digital Houses in Mali were created between 2017 and the end of 2018. The project responds to a need to develop the skills of women without qualifications, unemployed or in precarious situations. It aims at fostering the social and professional integration of these women, and at promoting their digital and financial inclusion by familiarising them with digital tools, basic software and giving them training in financial inclusion. PPI’s mission is to strengthen the training offer of the Digital Houses in order to multiply the effects on the economic and financial autonomy of Malian women.
- 20 trainers from the local NGO trained to run the coaching sessions with the beneficiaries.
- 1 200 women have followed the training course and their families, i.e. over 7,200 people.
- All women of nearby towns able to attend the Digital Houses.
- Representatives of the Orange Foundation and local NGOs.